Fellowship of Christian Athletes

Hello Awaken Church Family

Wow, what a full and wonderful summer it has been! Logan and I have been blessed to be in several weddings and celebrate so many people in different life accomplishments. We are pretty much all moved into our home and have already had so many opportunities to host people in the community.

 God is so good, and good on all His promises! We just arrived home from the Dominican Republic with the George Fox Volleyball team where we spent a week doing some short-term mission work and lead some clinics/camps.

Two summer highlights were FCA’s Captain’s Camp and Middle School Leadership Camp.

Two major highlights of the summer, for both Logan and I, were Fellowship of Christian Athletes’ (FCA) Captain’s Camp and Middle School Leadership Camp. Camp season is the best! I know you have received a few updates throughout the summer, but I wanted to share some of the personal stories and moments I got to experience throughout these wonderful camps.

 Captain’s Camp

Our Captain’s Camp, that is hosted at George Fox University (go bruins), is a time where the Student-Athlete Leadership Team (SALT) Leaders, the team at each school that runs our Huddles, all come together to grow closer to Christ and learn how to lead better. This year we had 15 athletes attend from the Westside South (the area I serve). In total, we had around 60 athletes come be a part of Captain’s Camp this summer.

Along with that, we had a group of college students and volunteers from the area that took two days of their time to walk alongside these leaders throughout the camp. We had 10 volunteers from our area serving kids at this camp. It has been an honor to get to know this community and how on fire they are for the mission to lead every coach and athlete into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ and His church. There were so many amazing stories to come from both the students and volunteers, here are a few in their own words.

“During Captain’s Camp, not only did my relationship with Christ grow, but I’ve found people who live through Christ and that can constantly push me to be a better version of myself. I fell in love with the worship and learned how to accept the Holy Spirit. Throughout this camp, I truly began to learn what it is to live through God.” - Caden Johns, Newberg High School, Athlete

“I truly began to learn what it is to live through God.”

“Captain’s Camp was an amazing experience. It was a great mix between fun, intense workouts and learning more about the Lord. I was really impacted by all my peers being so focused on learning that our identity needs to be in God. I can’t wait to go again next year!” - James Brewer, Yamhill-Carlton, Athlete

“Being a Huddle Leader at Captain’s Camp was such a life-giving experience! Although I was considered a leader at this camp, I felt that experiences like these are just as important for the Huddle Leaders as it is for the campers. Being a Huddle Leader, I had the ability to carry out FCA’s philosophy and mission and it was an experience I will never forget. It is hopeful to know that there is a new revival of faith-led leadership occurring here in Oregon and I was so blessed to be a part of that process!” - Jacob Willcuts, Volunteer from Newberg

“Serving as a Captain's Camp Huddle Leader allowed me to see the Lord work through such amazing kids that encouraged me in my walk with the Lord. It was impactful to see them strive to overcome an identity in sport and place it solely in the Lord. Watching them grow over those two days was incredible and showed the light among the brokenness that come from placing our lives in the Lord’s hands!” - Shaylee Cooper, George Fox Student-Athlete

It was amazing to see stories like these, and many more, during our time spent at camp. It is a great way to build momentum going into the next school/ministry year. Many of our high school students are able to implement what they learned at our Middle School Leadership Camp as leaders moving into the school year!

 Middle School Leadership Camp

It is always a joy to see the win of FCA: Disciples Making Disciples,  firsthand at our Middle School Leadership Camp. Our staff is discipling our high school leaders who are then discipling the middle school athletes. We had 77 middle schoolers attend Middle School Leadership Camp at George Fox in July. We also had 29 high school/college lead small groups during the three days! We had about 10 High Schoolers from our area serve at this camp. I’m so proud of them for stepping into where the Lord is calling them. Here are a few testimonies from high school and college leaders who were able to serve at this camp:

“Volunteering at the Middle School Leadership Camp was easily the most transformative week of my life. I learned more about God than I’ve ever known before and created a bond with Him that is now unbreakable. I felt the Holy Spirit in ways I never knew were possible. Tears were falling and guards were let down, God was felt by every kid in that room. I’ve never seen the Holy Spirit move through a group of people in that way, especially not through a group of middle schoolers.” -  Caden Johns, Newberg High School

  Caden learned more about God “than I’ve ever known before.”

“Not only was MS FCA camp life changing for the campers, it was also life changing for me as a leader! God truly worked in and through me at camp, especially during the incredible worship sessions when I got to witness some of my campers give their life to Jesus!! I also was so loved and supported by the staff when I recommitted my life to Jesus! Not only were my campers the sweetest, but I met the most amazing leaders who I know will be lifelong friends of mine!”- Mikayla Boos, Sherwood High School

 “Serving at the middle school FCA camp helped me to grow closer to God and feel the Holy Spirit in a new and more powerful way. Not only did I get to make an impact on middle schoolers, but they also impacted me. It was incredible to me how all of us, staff and kids, were able to worship and connect with Jesus even when we are all different ages and are at different stages of life. It was amazing to connect with kids and staff from all over Oregon and get to be with like-minded people.” - Tenley Potoff, Newberg High School

It was incredible how all of us were able to worship and connect with Jesus—even when we are all different ages and at different stages of life, Tenley said.

 “For me middle school camp wasn’t just an opportunity to serve middle schoolers as I thought it would be. Middle school FCA camp became a key transformational experience in my walk with the Lord. I was able to have a great time leading middle schoolers in their faith walk and try to show them how to live a life for Christ. Not only that, but I was shown the power of prayer and community and was able to feel the presence of the Holy Spirit. I absolutely loved middle school camp and the impact it had on me.” - Malachi Muthiah, Newberg High School

 Even as I am writing this to you all, I am so in awe of the Lord’s goodness while reading these testimonies. Thank you so much for your “yes” in the giving of prayer, finances, resources, time and so much more. Because of your sacrificial “yes” to the Lord in His call for you, all of these kids, leaders and staff were able to experience Him in a new way or for the first time.

 Thank you so much for your “yes” in the giving of prayer, finances, resources, time and more.

 I am so thankful to have you in my corner as we head into the next ministry year. God is going to do so much through this next generation and I am blessed to be on the sidelines cheering them on.

Liv & Alexander

2 Timothy 1:7: “For He has not given us a Spirit of fear but of power, love and a sound mind.”